
Amelia Roziman (Malaysia)

Chief Executive Officer, Business Events Sarawak (BESarawak)
Amelia, a pioneer of BESarawak, brings 25 years of branding, marketing, and PR experience. Starting as a sales coordinator from the indigenous Bidayuh tribe, she is committed to advancing Sarawak’s business events sector. As CEO for 12 years, she led Sarawak to become Malaysia’s first destination to embrace legacy impact and sustainability, earning the ICCA Best Marketing Award (2021). Her Sarawak 2030 advocacy plan integrated business events into the Sarawak Government’s Post-COVID-19 Development Strategy. Amelia’s leadership has secured 26 destination marketing awards and five professional accolades, including her historic induction into the EIC Hall of Leaders 2023 and the Ahli Bintang Sarawak medal. These recognitions solidify the Government’s support for business events as a key driver of Sarawak’s growth.
9.00 AM | Plenary

DAY 2 (Friday) 28th February

Innovation and Impact - Embracing Triple Bottom Line Thinking for Lasting Results

Plenary Session V (60 minutes) : In economics, the triple bottom line theory expands conventional business success metrics to include an organisation’s contributions to social well-being, environmental health, and a fair economy. These bottom line categories are often referred to as the three “P’s”: People, Planet, and Prosperity. Delve into the transformative power of integrating triple bottom line thinking—economic, social, and environmental considerations—into business strategies within the global events industry. This exploration will highlight how innovation, coupled with a commitment to sustainability, can drive long-term success and positive impact. The goal is to inspire industry leaders to adopt holistic approaches that balance profitability with social responsibility and environmental stewardship, fostering a more sustainable and resilient business events ecosystem.